Many of us vexed with the conventional turbines which rotates to produce electricity. From my schooling whatever may be the type of generating power there is a rotation of turbine. And I begin to think is there any case to generate power with out the use of turbine and here is the case:
"Fluids passing over objects can set up vortices with potentially disastrous consequences.Technology can capture energy form the turbulent and convert it into clean, cheap electricity"
When water flows over any structure vortex is created behind the object and it will have a lot of potentiallity. Because of the disruptive power of the vortex induces vibrations named to be vortex induced vibration (VIV), Engineers have long been interested in trying to spoil vortex shedding and suppress VIV to prevent damge to equipment and strucures. And it's amzing that almost no one has tried to tap their power.
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