We all should feel proud to be mechanical engineers. A plenty of opportunities are blooming out in the country even in the recession time. But it might be with a great tense of zeel for each and every graduate who comes out successfully by completing the degree. Most of we guys may be without a job in the present thornful condition. Its better to come out without a job rather than to come with a job which would be uncertain!
Right after completing our graduation, there may be different options for us to choose on. Some of us might go with higher education and some for job. There is no much to discuss with the guys who opt for higher education. The mingle starts up with the job seekers! So letz discuss over job hunt now.
For most of us, it will be a very tough question to answer about which job to choose.!
Any how, right after we come out with our graduation, the following are the different fields in which we can find plenty of jobs.
1. Manufacturing/ Production
2. Maintainance jobs
3. Automobile Engineering
4. Design jobs (Integrated with software)
5. Oil & Gas field
6. Field Engineer jobs in Fabrication & Errection
7. Construction & Infrastructure jobs
8. Aeronautical jobs
9. Mining jobs
10. Lecturer jobs
11. Government jobs!
12. Gulf jobs!
13. Jobs abroad!!
1. The Manufacturing & Production sector directly deals with the small scale, medium & Large scale industries where mass production of components will be done. The manufacturing units of all types of components including automobile parts, machinery accessories etc come under this criteria. Jobs in this sector will be hopefully available and pay scale will be average. Once we got into this field, we may have to sacrifice our life for production itself! In case of hard core times these seem to be very delicious!!
2. Maintainance jobs come under the category of Happy Life jobs! These type of jobs will be available in all types of industries including Steel Plants, Power Plants, Manufacturing Units, Cement Plants, Sugar plants etc. But the pay scale for these type of jobs will be comparitively less as compared to others. One can feel the comfortness and freeness in doing a maintainance job! The technical knowledge which we learn for a long 4 years also may not be hopefully utilized in this field! These type of jobs availability will be on average level.
3. The Automobile field is a dream field of most of the engineers. The jobs available in this field will fetch in a need for qualified technical knowledge in the engineer. Its a wonderful sector where only high potential companies will hire engineers. These jobs will be very less in number and also very demanding. To earn such a job, one needs to be technically sound.
4. Design field is the fastest emerging field among all the types of fields in mechanical Engineering. There is a lot of scope for these jobs in the future. Right now, there are a lot of companies which provide design jobs. But there are no big groups which move in the design field. salaries in the design field look pretty awesome!
5. The Oil & Gas field is a very big sector where Major companies work on. All those companies which work on the oil & gas field are country greats. The salaries will be high and there is a great scope for foreign chance. There will also be good weight for the Oil & Gas Engineers!
6.Fabrication & Erection come under plant construction work. All the constructions avail these jobs. These jobs will be similar to oil & gas type. They provide very good salaries & Engineer needs to work in the sight. All the construction companies provide these jobs. Jobs will be available in good number and with high mast companies. These type of jobs will be available on contract basis also.
7.The construction & Infrastructure jobs deal along with civil engineering works. These types of jobs will be available on contract basis. Though many large companies provide these jobs, they are mostly not prefferable as there might not be much scope for future plans. The salaries will be good.
8. Aeronautical jobs are a high category jobs which need powerful technical and personal skills to grab them. They pay a lots of price and not that easily achievable.(But they can be achieved!!)
9. Mining jobs deals directly in the mines which come under the maintainance of mining accessories like conveyors, cranes etc. These are rare jobs and also not that good. But they are some what high payable.
10.I think all the graduates know about Lecturer posts very well. Its upto our own wish, how we rate these type of jobs!!
11. Govt jobs are the gods gifts and there's no much to speak about these!
12.The gulf jobs are highly available in the fields of Oil & Gas, Construction, Fabrication & Errection, Maintainance in cement plants etc. They will be well paying jobs.
13. excluding gulf, Mechanical jobs will be some what better in Europe & USA. In Europe, mostly Automobile jobs will be plenty.
All the above mentioned jobs are available today even in recession.